Public Speaking

Public Speaking

Public Speaking for some can be an enjoyable and exciting experience, one that is an excellent opportunity to shine in front of their friends and peers.

For others however, the prospect of standing up in front of their peers let alone a  room full of total strangers, is the stuff of nightmares and only gets worse as the day moves inexorably closer

We at NasBon have felt that fear and have mastered it, and here's the thing;  So can you!

Our Approach

To help master Public Speaking we use multiple tools and techniques and practices to help you to overcome your fears

We at NasBon will always approach overcoming your fear of public speaking with empathy and encouragement, because we know what you are going through because guess what?........ We've been in your shoes!

Confident Public Speaking 
“Best way to conquer stage fright is to know what you’re talking about".

If the prospect of standing up and speaking in front of a group of your peers or a large crowd of strangers starts your heart racing or there are beads of perspiration on the forehead forming at the very thought of public speaking then you are not alone. 

Let us help you turn that sense of anxiety into a feeling of excited anticipation, let us help you move from dread into a more centred zone of a calmer self control, as you step out in front of the microphone.
We here at NasBon have over 30 years of public speaking experience and fully understand just how daunting first time speaking really can be, and therefore, we are able to help you understand how different techniques such as breathing, eye contact, body language and your position on stage all influence your performance (for make no mistake that is what it is) and how a pause in your delivery is your friend not your enemy and how the way you tell stories really matter!

Contact us we are looking forward to helping you not just overcome your fear of public speaking but help you harness it in ways you would not think possible as you begin your journey of mastering public speaking!
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