

What would you say are the three key elements behind effective employee engagement?

Spoiler alert: Money isn’t one of them! 

Research shows that for an employee to feel engaged, they need to:
• Feel that their work was meaningful and made a difference
• Feel valued, trusted and respected
• Feel secure and self-confident

What are you doing?

it has be proven that the more an employee feels part of a community, the more likely they are to be engaged with what they do.

It seems quite simple when put like this,  so the question is: what are you doing to engage your employees?

Employee Engagement
To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace

If you think Employee Engagement doesn’t matter  then think again!

The recent 2019 Gallup Survey on state of employee engagement in the global workplace, found that in the UK that only 11% of staff were Actively Engaged whilst at work which left a staggering 68% being described as Not Engaged and an astonishing 21% being described as Actively Disengaged, this last group can in many instances become the saboteurs of your efforts 

So the question you should be asking yourself is: What are we doing to engage our people?
As we often spend more time working than we do with our families, it makes sense to consider all the features of the working environment.

It’s not just all about the money: it’s how comfortable we feel where we work, how we feel around our colleagues, how we feel about the value of what we do and how we as individuals, are valued by our direct managers and the organisation overall.

Notice we use ‘feel’ a lot: subjective impressions have as much (if not more) clout than our cool, objective opinions, when it comes to work.

This is because the more an employee feels part of a community, the more they feel supported, the more likely it is that they will become engaged with what they do.

It seems quite simple when put like this, but it’s also easy and common to overlook these factors.

And the changes to the job market since this research was done make the need for effective employee engagement strategies even more imperative.
We here at NasBon have extensive experience is devising engagement strategies and effective initiatives that support organisations develop and sustain improved levels of staff engagement utilising tried and tested methods such as;

• Bottom Up”, not “Top Down”
• Bespoke Staff Surveys
• Engagement forums
• Sharing good practice 
• Employee voice
• Understand individual learning styles and preferences
• Employ effective group learning strategies

Why not contact us and allow us to help you plan and deliver your engagement strategies that will create a highly engaged workforce and give you significant organisational resilience and ROI
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