As we often spend more time working than we do with our families, it makes sense to consider all the features of the working environment.
It’s not just all about the money: it’s how comfortable we feel where we work, how we feel around our colleagues, how we feel about the value of what we do and how we as individuals, are valued by our direct managers and the organisation overall.
Notice we use ‘feel’ a lot: subjective impressions have as much (if not more) clout than our cool, objective opinions, when it comes to work.
This is because the more an employee feels part of a community, the more they feel supported, the more likely it is that they will become engaged with what they do.
It seems quite simple when put like this, but it’s also easy and common to overlook these factors.
And the changes to the job market since this research was done make the need for effective employee engagement strategies even more imperative.